Yuanchen Technology was invited to participate in the symposium

May 24, 2022
On May 19, a video symposium on the theme of "Responding to the challenges of the epidemic and promoting the sustainable development of environmental protection industry" was held in the conference room of Tongxing Environmental Protection at Binhu Financial Port in Hefei. The conference was attended by more than 40 representatives from more than 10 key enterprises, including Guo Chengzhan, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China Environmental Protection Industry Association, Luo Hong, Deputy Director and First Inspector of the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, and relevant officials from the Science and Finance Department. Mr. Xu Hui, Chairman of Yuanchen Technology, was invited to attend the seminar and make a speech.

The meeting hit the epidemic when the development of the environmental protection industry there are difficult pain points to explore solutions to promote the province's environmental protection industry to contribute to the high-quality development of the political, business and tripartite wisdom and responsibility.

Xu Hui, chairman of Yuanchen Technology, believes that the uncertainty of the international situation, sudden impact, coupled with the repeated impact of the epidemic, although making business operations are facing a shortage of funds, rising raw material prices, slowing demand, the lack of key technologies and the lack of core manufacturing and other circumstances. But the risks and opportunities coexist, "danger" and "opportunity" complement each other. From the external environment, with the advent of the Internet era, the global new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change, the environmental protection industry "used to look at capital, now look at management, the future look at technology" trend is also becoming more and more obvious.

From the internal environment, under the influence of uncertainties, the environmental protection industry is in urgent need of technological innovation, including basic technological innovation, innovation in high value-added technologies and model innovation, which functional high-end materials R & D breakthroughs to meet the needs of national development, the consumption of pollutant stocks, to solve a variety of environmental problems of the moment.

In particular, to implement the "double carbon" strategy, China needs to strongly promote the transformation and upgrading of "high energy-consuming and high-emission" enterprises, build a new development pattern of green economy, encourage the recycling of resources, and build more zero-carbon industrial parks, zero-carbon hospitals, schools, factories and communities. factories, communities and other new industries. For environmental protection enterprises, they must take the initiative, actively respond to the trend of the times, actively seize the major development opportunities brought about by the "dual carbon" strategy, actively embrace the new changes brought about by the "dual carbon" strategy, and ensure survival on the basis of not waiting or relying on, practice good We should not wait for the new changes brought by the "double carbon" strategy, but practice our internal strength, seize the opportunities, actively innovate and transform ourselves to find new opportunities in the challenges.

The representatives said that the symposium set up a bridge of communication between all parties, effectively promote the exchange between the government and enterprises, enterprises and enterprises, which is conducive to solving the urgent and difficult problems in the development of enterprises, and look forward to the association to organize regular symposiums in the future to listen to the development of enterprise requirements, and actively promote the quality and steady development of the province's ecological and environmental protection industry. (Yuanchen Technology)
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