Hotspot sharing 2-The first anniversary of the "dual carbon" target, look at the changes in China

Oct 15, 2021

On the 21st, President Xi Jinping attended the general debate of the 76th UN General Assembly in Beijing by video and delivered an important speech entitled "Strengthen Confidence, Overcome Hardships, and Build a Better World".

June 9th, 2021-Fully grasp the dual control of energy consumption and resolutely curb the blind development of the "two highs" project. The Environmental Resources Department of the National Development and Reform Commission hosted a symposium on carbon neutralization in some regions in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. The meeting thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech and instructions on carbon peak carbon neutralization work, and earnestly conveyed and implemented the deployment requirements of the first plenary meeting of the carbon peak carbon neutral work leading group and the first meeting of the leading group office. Report the progress of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality at the national level, and put forward clear requirements for accelerating relevant work in various regions.

June 16, 2021-Carbon neutrality work symposium on carbon peaks in some regions. The Department of Environmental Resources and Resources of the National Development and Reform Commission continued to host a symposium on carbon neutralization in some areas in Beijing. It is necessary to strictly implement energy conservation review and environmental review and approval, and for "two highs" projects that do not meet the requirements of national industrial planning, industrial policies, "three lines and one order", capacity replacement, energy efficiency standards, coal consumption reduction substitution, and pollutant emission area reduction. , We must firmly take it down.

 July 16, 2021-The national carbon emissions trading market was launched for online trading. On February 1, the "Administrative Measures for Carbon Emissions Trading (Trial)" ("Administrative Measures") came into effect. The launching ceremony was held in the three places in Wuhan at the same time, and then the national carbon market, which has received much attention, officially began online trading. July 30, 2021-Corrective campaign-style "carbon reduction". The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting to analyze and study the current economic situation and economic work. The meeting called for a coordinated and orderly implementation of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality work, and an action plan for carbon peaking by 2030 as soon as possible. Adhere to a national game of chess, correct the campaign-style "carbon reduction", and resolutely curb the "two highs". The project develops blindly. Do a good job in ensuring the power peak summer.

On August 17, 2021, the National Development and Reform Commission clarified the “1+N” dual-carbon policy system. On August 17, Meng Wei, the spokesperson of the National Development and Reform Commission, stated at a regular press conference in August that the National Development and Reform Commission assumes the responsibilities of the Carbon Neutralization Leading Group Office and is working with relevant departments to promptly formulate and improve the carbon peak. Carbon neutral "1+N" policy system. In the next step of the work, we will establish the correct orientation, refine the policy requirements, do a good job implementation, strengthen supervision, and promptly discover and correct related problems to ensure that the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council are not deviated or out of shape.

On August 19, 2021, the Central Carbon Peak Working Group was established. On August 19, the State Administration for Market Regulation issued a document stating that the State Administration for Market Regulation has recently established a carbon peak carbon neutrality leadership group and office.

August 26, 2021-Resolutely curb the blind development of video and telephone conferences in the "two highs" project. Korea is resolutely curbing the blind development of the "two highs" project and emphasized in the teleconference that the new development concept should be fully and accurately implemented and resolutely curbed the blind development of the "two highs" project. Relevant departments in all regions should focus on the overall development of the country, understand and understand this important task from a political perspective, be well aware of the "big country", fully and accurately implement the new development concept, and resolutely contain the "two highs." The blind development of the project should be carried out to achieve results.

August 31, 2021-Carbon Peak Carbon Neutrality Leading Group Office established a carbon emission statistical accounting working group. In order to conscientiously implement the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council and the spirit of the first plenary meeting of the carbon peak carbon neutral work leadership group, coordinate the carbon emission statistics and accounting work, and accelerate the establishment of a unified and standardized carbon emission statistical accounting system, not long ago, The Office of the Leading Group of Carbon Neutrality Work has established a carbon emission statistical accounting working group, which is responsible for organizing and coordinating carbon emission statistical accounting across the country, various regions, and various industries.

September 21, 2021-China will no longer build overseas coal power projects. On September 21, President Xi Jinping attended the general debate of the 76th UN General Assembly in Beijing by video and delivered an important speech entitled "Strengthening Confidence, Overcoming the Difficulties and Building a Better World Together", and proposed a global development initiative , Emphasizing that we should work together to respond to global threats and challenges, and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

From the spirit of President Xi Jinping’s speech and the above actions, it can be clearly seen that China is an activist and doer in promoting global climate governance.

 The "Paris Agreement" has reached its fifth anniversary, but global climate governance still has a long way to go. I believe that our motherland will continue to adhere to the strategic determination of actively responding to climate change, adopt strong policy measures to achieve green, low-carbon, and circular high-quality sustainable development, and implement 100% of the goals announced by President Xi Jinping in order to implement the Paris Agreement. , Promote the construction of global ecological civilization and build a community with a shared future for mankind to make greater contributions.

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